subtle RESPECT
Naawie Tutugoro, Jenny Takahashi Palmer
subtle RESPECT is a casual collaborative exhibition by artist Naawie Tutugoro and childhood friend, and sculptor Jenny Takahashi Palmer, both from Waiheke. subtle RESPECT offers preservation as a continuation of tradition via function.
Allusion to something having power or transcendence beyond its physical presence is brought on by a kind of treatment of saturation. Respect, when applied in process, can endow a ritualistic tendency; designing elaborate decoration of seemingly non-imperial or non-spiritual objects. The hairpins tell of a beginning and aspiration of knowledge and communication through craft. The comb cushions speak to comfort, childhood and softness. Respect, then, is used as an instrument of time-travel, return and therefore, access. References to hair, body, tradition and nostalgia are insinuated in the material decisions and overall installation. The subtlety exists as though a domestic altar would, with feelings of completeness and devotion between body and object. This bi-directional energy creates the aura in which respect survives.