Snail Time
Lucy Meyle, Ziggy Lever
Snail Time adopts the image of the snail to open up playful research into the related spaces of the library and the playground; and how symbols, images, and representations of time are circulated or concealed within them.
Ziggy Lever’s practice explores archival and improvisational modes of research where collaborative, lens-based, sculptural, sonic, and found or constructed materials are installed together as a field of time-based documents. Recent projects include: The Observatory Project, with Eamon Edmundson-Wells, Auckland 2021 (upcoming); Rambling, with Xin Cheng, Auckland 2020; Beam Splitting, Hd Video (silent) for the Mason’s Screen, Wellington 2019; Looking Forwards and Backwards, installation and publication with Lucy Meyle, Blue Oyster Art Project Space, Dunedin, 2017.
Lucy Meyle uses sculpture, publication, installation, and video as sites for re-imaging and re-imagining our relations to what is human and more-than-human in our time of climate emergency. Humour and playfulness form key aspects of her works, acting to re-orientate perspectives or subjective interpretations through propositions that seem absurd, yet materially demonstrate their own potential. Her recent exhibitions include Butter Point, Paludal (2020), Soft Spot, Enjoy Gallery (2020), and March Mostra, British School at Rome (2019). @lucymeyle
Click to read Shell Shelf by Simon Palenski, a text written in response to this exhibition.